Changes in legislation, taxation rules and guidance from Charity Commissioners mean charities have to regularly review and update their finances. At WIM we provide effective and professional advice on the accounting and tax aspects of your charity.
We will provide you tailor-made advice, with expert insight and continuous support


We will help you prepare and submit your accounts, adjusting them when necessary to comply with the changing regulations and guidance. Don’t worry, whenever changes do occur, we will make sure you are the first one to hear about it.


We offer unrivalled advice on:
• Non-charitable trading
• Understanding and making the most out the Gift-Aid scheme
• Reducing the tax you need to pay and claiming relief funds
• VAT recovery and reliefs, and making sure you are compliant with regulations

WIM Accountants are here to help businesses with their accounting and taxation needs.

ACCAWe are a member firm of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

ACCAWe are a member firm of Chartered Institute of Taxation

London Office

37 New North Road
Contact: 02082271700

Our Offices

East London     South London
West London    Cornwall
Bournemouth    Cardiff
Birmingham      Manchester
Nottingham       Stanmore
Ruislip              Harrow on the Hill
North London

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Office Hours
Monday        09:30 am - 17:30 pm
Tuesday       09:30 am - 17:30 pm
Wednesday  09:30 am - 17:30 pm
Thursday      09:30 am - 17:30 pm
Friday           09:30 am - 17:30 pm
Saturday      Closed
Sunday        Closed